2008057 A multi-center study on the association between sleep apnea and prevalence of hypertension. CHEN Baoyuan(陈宝元......
Levels of soluble delta-like ligand 1 in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of tuberculous meningitis
In this study, the levels of soluble delta-like ligand 1 in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of 50 patients with tuberculou......
Hot aqueous leaf extract of Lasianthera africana (Icacinaceae) attenuates rifampicin-isoniazid-induc
Objectives:The aim of this study is to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Lasianthera africana (Icacinaceae) agains......
11.3.UPPer resPiratorg tract disease and bronehial胎thma940766 Airway ePithelium affects relaxing effeet ofvera那mil.GAN......
2008049 Activation ralated genes of memory CD+4 T cells in asthma patients. PI Weifeng(皮卫峰),et al. Dept Respir Med......
2008430 Effect of gas exchange at maximal intensity on exercise capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary ......
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Central nervous system tuberculosis can have protean manifestations.We review the clinical and radiological findings in ......
Clinical Manifes tations and Pathological Characteristics of Tuberculous Meningitis with Massive Int
The clinical manifestations and pathologicalcharacteristics in 2 cases of tuberculous meningitiscomplicated by massive ......
Two new C-glycosylflavones were isolated from the whole plant of Mimosa pudica,and their structures were determined as 6......
Detecting katG Drug Resistant Genetic Mutation among pneumoconiosis patients complicated with tuberc
Objective:To study the relationship between mutation in the katG gene and drug resistance of INH in Mycobacterium tuberc......
Acquired vesico-rectal fistula is an uncommon complication of pelvic malignant tumors,surgical injury,inflammatory disor......
目的 分析肾移植术后患者合并巨细胞病毒肺炎的X线征象及误诊原因。方法 对12例包括4例误诊为其他疾病的肾移植术后合并巨细胞病毒......
目的 探讨电子纤维支气管镜介入治疗联合常规抗结核治疗方案对支气管结核患者的治疗效果及对肺功能的影响。方法 选取2015年1月-20......
Hitting the bull’s eye of ending tuberculosis goal: The challenge of addressing tuberculosis in huma
Eradicating tuberculosis in human immunodeficiency virus is all the more important to realise India’s ambitious goal of......
This study was designed to evaluate the QBC ParaLensTM LED fluorescent microscope attachment and the QBC F.A.S.T.TM AFB ......
930234 Penicilliosis marneffei report of a caseand review of literatures.KANG Xiaoming (康晓明),et al.Nanjing Army Gener......
11.1.Lung function930671 The effects of persantine on pulmonary arte-rial pressure of rats exposed to hypoxia.RAN Pixin,......
920230 Quantitative direct gas-liquid chro-matography for rapid diagnosis of anaerobicinfections.LU Yan (卢炎),et al.Cha......
930031 Experimental studies on lung lesionsof rabbits caused by streptomyces thermohy-groscopicus.LIU Fang(刘仿),et al.D......
950429 Implementation of national tuberculosis con-trol programme(focus on registration,case-manage-ment and treatment).......
920307 An experimental research on theacute lung injury induced by endotoxin.SUNBin (孙滨),et al.4th Milit Med Univ,7100......
920305 The effect of nifedipine on pulmon-ary hemodynamics after injection of oleicacid in rabbits.TANG Jifei (唐疾飞),e......
920092 Effect of activated leukocytes onpulmonary arterial pressure.SUN Renyu (孙仁宇),et al.Instit Basic Med Sci,CAMS,B......
920237 Effect of Chinese tea extract on theimmune function of mice bearing tumor andtheir antitumor activity.YAN Yusen (......
920313 Re-estimation on the role of artifi-cial pneumoperitoneum in treating pulmon-ary tuberculosis heamoptysis.SHEN Zh......
920671 Studies of BAL cells during theairborne Klebsiella pneumoniae infectionin immunocompromised mice. ZHU Ben-hong(朱......
930124 The effect of glycosaminoglycans inthe genesis of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis.LIBaoyu(李保玉),et al.Dept Path......
920225 The report of organophosphoruspesticides causing delayed dysneuria in 143cases.ZHANG Cilu (张慈禄),et al.Jiaojian......
930475 The study of prethrombotic state in pa-tients with COPD and cor pulmonale.MA Duan(马端),et al.Thrombosis & Haemosta......